Adventist Vegetarian

Adventist Vegetarian for Vegan Mitch, a  Vegan Vegan Mitch

7th Day Adventist

, 49 year old Asian male, 5' 6 /168cm with Slim build.
Living in Frenso, California, United States
with children None, seeking Casual dates OR serious relationship/marriage OR activity partner.
Vegan diet, Never drinks alcohol   and never smokes.

I'm a conservative Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) Christian praying for God's leading for that special helpmate in whom He has chosen.  A bit about my background, I became a SDA in 2007.  I didn't grow up going to church, but after a very painful breakup with a girlfriend back in college, I hit rock bottom and was down and depressed.  The things of the world from dancing, clubs, parties, didn't make me feel any better and didn't feed my emptiness.  Thankfully there were missionaries on campus and they were always friendly and invited me to study with them and attend church, so I took up their offer.  After about 3 months of studying and fellowshipping with them they wanted me to join their church, but I knew joining a church is a big decision, so I church-hopped over the next 6 years.  After 50+ places of worship of many religions and denominations, I had the privilege of going through the AmazingFacts Storacles and Study Guides which opened my eyes to the Bible like never before, and I learned more about God in a few months than my years of seeking God and church-hopping.  I praise God for His goodness, mercies and his infinite love.  God was the key missing component in my life which changed my life of rebellion, vain parties, and wickedness into a purpose driven live to serve others and to share His salvation plan for humanity.  Matthew 16:36 - For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?

Some of my hobbies and interests:  Eating healthy and exploring healthy recipes in particular raw vegan, outdoor activities such as hiking, walking, going to the beach, biking, exploring new places, volunteering, helping people, aviation, radio controlled airplanes/helicopters/drones, fixing things, frisbee, home improvement, country living, DIY, growing own fruits & vegetables, tiny homes, AirBnb rentals, medical missionary, giving Bible studies, mission trips, Bible memorization, Glowing, country living, gardening, etc...

Favorite music includes: 

Classic, hymns, baroque...
Sweet Hour of Prayer
Nearer Still Nearer
O For a Closer Walk With God
In The Heart of Jesus
Savior Like a Shepherd
Live Out Thy Life Within Me
Father Lead Me Day By Day
Beneath The Cross Of Jesus
Joy To The World
Silent Night, Holy Night
Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
Just As I Am
Nothing Between
I Need Thee Every Hour
Higher Ground
Stand Up! Stand Up for Jesus!
Onward Christian Soldiers
O Brother Be Faithful
Trust and Obey
In The Heart of Jesus
Give of Your Best to The Master
Day by Day
Is is Well With My Soul
Under His Wings
Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus
All The Way
A Mighty Fortress
What A Friend We Have in Jesus
Like Jesus
More Love to Thee
God of our Fathers
Holy Holy Holy
Give Thanks
People Need The Lord

Adventist Vegetarian for Henry, a  Vegan Henry

7th Day Adventist

, 46 year old Hispanic / Latino male, 5' 9 /175cm with Athletic/Fit build.
Living in Cape Girardeau, Missouri, United States
with children Sometimes home, seeking Serious relationship/marriage.
Vegan diet, Never drinks alcohol   and never smokes.

I love listening to heavenly music. listening to sermons on my free time.
definitely love to exercise on a daily basis,  it's part of my life along with eating healthy.

spending time with my children outside or different activities.


Adventist Vegetarian for vanessa, a  Vegan vanessa

7th Day Adventist

, 63 year old African Descent / Black female, 5' 6 /168cm with Slim build.
Living in Fairbanks, Alaska, United States
with children None, seeking Serious relationship/marriage.
Vegan diet, Never drinks alcohol   and never smokes.

I am an island girl.  I grew up in the Caribbean and was educated in the Caribbean as well as US.  I enjoy living near water, be it ocean, river or lake.  However I am still gaining confidence in swimming.  Adventure appeals to me, I am certified in scuba diving, although I have not returned to SCUBA sice certifying.  My next adventure will be living and working in Alaska, although that is not my preferred climate at all.

My hobbies include personal development, reading, snorkeling, nature walks, moderate hikes, travel.  Paris is the most romantic place I've ever visited.  I climbed to the top of the Eiffel Tower, went window shopping on the Champs Elysees and enjoyed crepes in Monmarte not far from Sacre Coeur.  Australia, Jamaica, Kenya, Indonesia, Rwanda and Guam hold some of my favorite travel memories.  Languages I speak include fluet English, conversational Spanish and high school French.

Medical mission trips are important to me, as is wholistic health.  It is my desire to follow a whole foods plant-based diet, grow my own food and build a homestead farm.  I like to be physically active in the fresh air and sunshine.  One day my career may be to teach and demonstrate to others how to adopt and maintain healthy lifestyle habits.

Spirituality is extremely important to me.  I am a devout Christian and believe that this life is only a preparation for the real thing, which is eternal life forever with Jesus Christ and the saved of all ages.  

Although I have never married, I have a desire to be in a loving and caring relationship.  My goal is to be the healthy, generous, affectionate person that attracts a life partner with these attriibutes.


Adventist Vegetarian for Naomi, a Vegetarian at home Naomi

7th Day Adventist

, 45 year old Caucasian / White female, 5' 6 /168cm with Athletic/Fit build.
Living in Denver, Colorado, United States
with children None, seeking Serious relationship/marriage.
Veg at home diet, Never drinks alcohol   and never smokes.

Adventurous and I love exploring new places

I love good food,cozy nights in and meaningful conversations

Looking for someone to share laughs and create memories with

Adventist Vegetarian for CowBush, a  Vegan CowBush

7th Day Adventist

, 74 year old Caucasian / White male, 5' 10 /178cm with Average build.
Living in Grangeville, Idaho, United States
with children Sometimes home, seeking Serious relationship/marriage OR activity partner.
Vegan diet, Never drinks alcohol   and never smokes.

I have been a strict vegan (diet) most of my adult life. Consequently I am very mentally, physically and spiritually fit.

I am looking for a lady who has been a strict vegan for several years.

I have a horse riding ministry which is geared to witness to children of all ages.

By God's grace I have raised from birth the largest steer in the US. I rescued him from being abandoned to die from pneumonia. He is now more than 6' at the shoulders and weighs more than 3000 pounds. He is broke to saddle. The oldest person to ride him has been an 85 year old lady. She wants to bring her 95 year old brother over to ride him someday.

He became the gentle, loving giant he is, by my respecting him unconditionally. You know, the way you would like to be treated.

I also have a music ministry. I can send a sample of recordings upon request.

I do not shame! Nor do I have a temper. I am trainable/teachable.

I am a volunteer with the local Emergency response units and am an Advanced Emergency Medical Technician for the ambulance service in the nearby town. I am also a religious volunteer at a prison 80 miles away weekly. And am the chairman of the board for a local christian radio station.

Speak some spanish. Was a health missionary in Mexico for some years.

The photo is of myself with my mother. (Taken some years back she is now deceased) She wanted, for one last time to go back to the mountain ranch where she was born and lived her childhood. That ranch is 90 miles from the nearest town. We are standing in front of a pine tree where her father had built a tree house for her. I was 4 years old before she discovered that God was something more than a swear word. (Wonderful story about how God presented Himself to her.)

I do not own a TV. Use the internet but very rarely use valuable time watching movies, etc. Most of my entertainment is religeous or docmentaries.

Although I look cowboyish in this photo, I am very adaptable. I can dress to meet the occasion.

I have no piercings or tattoos.

Still have all of my limbs and digits.

I am somewhat conservative and reasonably obedient to the moral and health principles presented in the holy scriptures. Part of my belief system is to respect the rights of others.

I am looking for a life partner who is healthy enough to allow me to love her the way she deserves.


Ps Just a thought. I believe in the teachings and philosophies of Jesus Christ. If I study and live these teachings, and in the end it turns out that I was wrong, what will I have lost? But if a person chooses to ignore those teachings, and to live apart from them, and in the end it turns out that he/she was wrong, what will he/she have lost???


If you respond to my wink with a wink, I will subscribe so we can communicate. Just being practical.

Adventist Vegetarian for Malkia, a  Almost vegetarian Malkia

7th Day Adventist

, 30 year old African Descent / Black female, 5' 7 /170cm with Slim build.
Living in Mwanza, NON-US, other
with children None, seeking Serious relationship/marriage.
Almost veg diet, Never drinks alcohol   and never smokes.

I am Someone who shares my appreciation for the countryside ,finds joy in little things, like the sound of birdssong in the morning, laughter and deep connection to nature

Adventist Vegetarian for Catty, a  Vegan Catty

7th Day Adventist

, 68 year old Hispanic / Latino female, 4' 11 /150cm with Petite build.
Living in ParaĆ­so-Ecuador, NON-US, other
with children None, seeking Casual dates OR serious relationship/marriage OR activity partner.
Vegan diet, Never drinks alcohol   and never smokes.

LIFE IS NOT WHAT WE PLAN, IS WHAT Hapen LET’S HAVE OUR EYES, EARS, EMOTIONS AND HEART OPEN ... hope we won’t have to lamented later of any bad decisions, when it will be to late, I LIKE TO HELP PEOPLE, I know better blessings I have received from it , what abouth you?. Are you of a tender heart.

Jesus our Lord and Savior have given me many good blessings and changes in my life, in all the aspects! He is my leader! I appreciate honesty, responsibility, respect, kindness, truthfulness and sincerity Most of all loyalty to God's principles in all the aspects and a truly surrender to God's Will. This is very important, more than the external.
Good solid Christians committed to the Lord, in His knowledge, understanding, and a real born again Christian will be a real blessing 

I like to help people and love doing this, specially when I teach healthful cooking and I see their faces, with a surprise look! because they did not expect to taste good!!.
Country life and nature is something I really enjoy, I like always when I'm spending time with the word of God and nature. Walks, hikes, and all related with it.
I'm Healthy and easy going, as well as active. Medium frame build, small petite, olive skin, light brown eyes, dark brown hair

Since I accepted Jesus as my personal Savior everything have change for me. HE IS WONDER FULL! I see many miracles always.
 I took Public Health. Well I share in seminars: simple home remedies, nutrition, principles of healthful living, vegan cooking classes, etc. I do this all over
Now I WANT TO FIND my soul mate if GOD SO desire AND BE HIS HELP MATE 

My favorite Bible passage and why:
There are so many.
I hope and pray I will always be ready to say "Here I'm send me".... I have to be very careful to let Him lead. 2 Corinthians 4:1-18. He is my all.
One favorite text I share always is 3 JOHN 2. He cares for the complete human being. Physical, mental, social, intellectual, and most of all spiritual.
For you
Numbers 6:24-26 

I grew up in Ecuador, Hispanic / Latin, Speak English, Spanish, I am also an American citizen
I have dual citizenship 
I have travel around the world most of the south east Asia countries 
Central and South America and most of the USA

Adventist Vegetarian for Lavern , a  Vegetarian Lavern

7th Day Adventist

, 49 year old Mixed female, 5' 6 /168cm with Average build.
Living in Orlando, Florida, United States
with children At home, seeking Serious relationship/marriage.
Vegetarian diet, Never drinks alcohol   and never smokes.

I am a single parent that raised my children to put God first. I am nurse and believe my place of employment is a mission field where God has placed me. God is the center of my life an I rely on him in all decisions I make. 

Adventist Vegetarian for Brasil, a Vegetarian at home Brasil

7th Day Adventist

, 57 year old non-specified male, 5' 9 /175cm with Slim build.
Living in Baltimore, Maryland, United States
with children None, seeking Serious relationship/marriage OR activity partner.
Veg at home diet, Never drinks alcohol   and never smokes.

I'm easy-going, fun loving, ambitious and funny:- to sum it all, a tower of strength and a shoulder to lean on. I'm a firm believer in the Pursuit of knowledge:- "Inquisitivesness of the Minds. Make the ultimate decision for 2006! Send that message, what can you lose? I promise, you will enjoy every moment of it. I'm waiting to hear from you!!!

Adventist Vegetarian for Dezebel, a  Almost vegetarian Dezebel

7th Day Adventist

, 31 year old Asian female, 4' 2 /127cm with Average build.
Living in Cagayan de Oro City, NON-US, Philippines
with children None, seeking Serious relationship/marriage.
Almost veg diet, Never drinks alcohol   and never smokes.

Hi!.. Just simply being me ^^

Adventist Vegetarian for Rona, a  Vegetarian vegan Rona

7th Day Adventist

, 30 year old Asian female, 5' 5 /165cm with Average build.
Living in South Cotabato, NON-US, Philippines
with children At home, seeking Serious relationship/marriage OR activity partner.
Veggie/vegan diet, Never drinks alcohol   and never smokes.

Tall, tan skin and average body..

Adventist Vegetarian for ANNE, a  Almost vegetarian ANNE

7th Day Adventist

, 37 year old Asian female, 4' 11 /150cm with Average build.
Living in South Cotabato, NON-US, Philippines
with children None, seeking Serious relationship/marriage.
Almost veg diet, Never drinks alcohol   and never smokes.

I am simple and loyal person. I am conservative woman. I loved to listen christian song.Sometimes i do hiking in the mountain.

Adventist Vegetarian for Nicallie, a  Macrobiotic Nicallie

7th Day Adventist

, 28 year old Asian female, 5' 3 /160cm with Tell you later build.
Living in La union, NON-US, Philippines
with children None, seeking Casual dates OR serious relationship/marriage.
Macrobiotic diet, Never drinks alcohol   and never smokes.

Tell you later 

Adventist Vegetarian for Lorna, a  Almost vegetarian Lorna

7th Day Adventist

, 41 year old Asian female, 5' 0 /152cm with Slim build.
Living in None, NON-US, Philippines
with children None, seeking Serious relationship/marriage.
Almost veg diet, Never drinks alcohol   and never smokes.

Hello everyone I'm Lorna a newly member here in this dating site hope to have more friends here.I am willing to learn new things in life and am a friendly person with a sense of humor.I love t laugh coz I believe laughter is the best medicine and it can make you look younger than your age.I am a sporty person also a very simple person from a very simple family but have a good heart. I am honest and trust worthy and enjoy having a conversation in any interested topic. So guys if you think that we have a lot in common do not hesitate to dropping by and all of you are appreciated.....

Adventist Vegetarian for Nayibe , a  Almost vegetarian Nayibe

7th Day Adventist

, 55 year old Hispanic / Latino female, 5' 7 /170cm with Tell you later build.
Living in Cali, NON-US, Colombia
with children Not home, seeking Serious relationship/marriage.
Almost veg diet, Never drinks alcohol   and never smokes.

Adventist Vegetarian for Margie, a  Vegan Margie

7th Day Adventist

, 42 year old Mixed female, 5' 3 /160cm with Average build.
Living in Paris, NON-US, France
with children None, seeking Serious relationship/marriage.
Vegan diet, Never drinks alcohol   and never smokes.

I am a seventh day adventist woman. I am waiting for the second coming of Christ and I  love countryliving

Adventist Vegetarian for Kelvin, a  Vegan Kelvin

7th Day Adventist

, 33 year old Asian male, 5' 9 /175cm with Athletic/Fit build.
Living in Bangkok, NON-US, Thailand
with children None, seeking Serious relationship/marriage.
Vegan diet, Never drinks alcohol   and never smokes.

I am looking for a lady who has been a strict vegan for several years or better since birth. And born into and grew up in an active Seventh-day Adventist family.  

I speak some Chinese and Thai. 

I do not own a TV. Use the internet but very rarely use valuable time watching movies, etc. Most of my entertainment is religious or documentaries. 

I am very adaptable. I can dress to meet the occasion.

I have no piercings or tattoos.

Still have all of my limbs and digits.

I am somewhat conservative and reasonably obedient to the moral and health principles presented in the holy scriptures. Part of my belief system is to respect the rights of others. I do not shame! Nor do I have a temper. I am trainable/teachable.

I am looking for a life partner who is healthy enough to allow me to love her the way she deserves. And to serve God together.

God's Blessings

If you respond to my wink with a wink, I will subscribe so we can communicate. Just being practical.

Adventist Vegetarian for Ai, a  Vegetarian Ai

7th Day Adventist

, 30 year old Asian female, 5' 2 /157cm with Average build.
Living in South Cotabato, NON-US, Philippines
with children None, seeking Casual dates OR serious relationship/marriage OR activity partner.
Vegetarian diet, Never drinks alcohol   and never smokes.

Hi, I want to get to know you, let's chat.

Adventist Vegetarian for Rhea, a  Vegan Rhea

7th Day Adventist

, 26 year old Mixed female, 5' 2 /157cm with Average build.
Living in Cebu City, NON-US, Philippines
with children None, seeking Casual dates OR serious relationship/marriage OR activity partner.
Vegan diet, Never drinks alcohol   and never smokes.

Hey, you can chat me if you want to know more about me.

Adventist Vegetarian for Deborah, a  Vegan Deborah

7th Day Adventist

, 68 year old Caucasian / White female, 5' 8 /173cm with Few extra lbs build.
Living in Lincoln, Nebraska, United States
with children At home, seeking Activity partner.
Vegan diet, Never drinks alcohol   and never smokes.

My faith/church time is most importan. To have someone who enjoys in reading/watching religious  programs would be such a blessing   Also, I love nature with so much God has created for us to enjoy. I also love to garden and harvest. I love to grow something new/different each year. I have a dog. Good company and good walking buddy. 

Adventist Vegetarian for Angella, a  Macrobiotic Angella

7th Day Adventist

, 38 year old African Descent / Black female, 5' 6 /168cm with Average build.
Living in Montego Bay, NON-US, Jamaica
with children At home, seeking Serious relationship/marriage.
Macrobiotic diet, drinks alcohol Socially   and never smokes.

I am a believer in the second coming of Christ. I try to emulate God in my daily walk. 

Adventist Vegetarian for  VOK, a  Vegan VOK

7th Day Adventist

, 25 year old Caucasian / White female, 5' 3 /160cm with Curvy build.
Living in Portland, Oregon, United States
with children Not home, seeking Activity partner.
Vegan diet, Never drinks alcohol   and never smokes.
Adventist Vegetarian for Marryjoy, a Vegetarian at home Marryjoy

7th Day Adventist

, 40 year old Mixed female, 5' 3 /160cm with Average build.
Living in Bukidnon, NON-US, Philippines
with children At home, seeking Serious relationship/marriage.
Veg at home diet, Never drinks alcohol   and never smokes.

I'm simple woman with GOD fearing but you can ask me anything ??

Adventist Vegetarian for Bonnie, a  Vegetarian vegan Bonnie

7th Day Adventist

, 72 year old Caucasian / White female, 5' 5 /165cm with Average build.
Living in Republic, Washington, United States
with children Not home, seeking Serious relationship/marriage OR activity partner.
Veggie/vegan diet, Never drinks alcohol   

I am a country girl through n through. I live in a tiny cabin in the mountains, no neighbors in sight! Love the privacy!! I love sunshine, going on drives through the country, cooking for special people, baking, sewing, gardening if no deer to eat my hard work, traveling, church n doing things with church family. I play the piano n organ. Love to laugh n have a good time. Love to make people laugh. I’m adventurous and willing to try new things. I split all my own firewood, and if I had a chainsaw, would fall the trees. My dad was a logger and taught me how to fall. He also taught me how to change a tire and tuneup my car before they became computerized! Mom taught me cooking, baking, sewing, canning. I would sure like to have a mate in my life to do things with. I’m not interested in TV, Learning how to cook delicious vegan food. I was raised Seventh day Adventist, 6th generation. I’m so looking forward to the soon coming of Jesus!!!! I would like a mate who also loves the Spirit of Prophesy and puts God before everything and everyone! I still do some part time caregiving. I love where I live!!!

Adventist Vegetarian for Shama, a  Vegetarian vegan Shama

7th Day Adventist

, 35 year old African Descent / Black female, 5' 11 /180cm with Slim build.
Living in Aurora, Colorado, United States
with children None, seeking Casual dates OR serious relationship/marriage OR activity partner.
Veggie/vegan diet, Never drinks alcohol   and never smokes.

I am an easy-going, somewhat reserved individual who enjoys hanging out with friends or spending time alone. I have been a vegetarian all my life and I would like to continue living a healthy life. 

Adventist Vegetarian for Salome, a  Almost vegetarian Salome

7th Day Adventist

, 30 year old Caucasian / White female, 5' 2 /157cm with Petite build.
Living in Bern, NON-US, Switzerland
with children None, seeking Serious relationship/marriage.
Almost veg diet, Never drinks alcohol   and never smokes.

I love travelling and to learn about other cultures! I want to serve God with everything I do and would like to find somebody to share life with!

Adventist Vegetarian for Oncall, a  Vegan Oncall

7th Day Adventist

, 54 year old Caucasian / White female, 5' 0 /152cm with Average build.
Living in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
with children None, seeking Serious relationship/marriage.
Vegan diet, Never drinks alcohol   and never smokes.

Fun, sincere, health minded, Adventist seeking her soul mate.  Enjoy the outdoors--beach or walk in the woods.  Gardening and canning or cross country skiing too.  Enjoy piano, cooking and time with family.

Adventist Vegetarian for simpleman, a  Vegetarian simpleman

7th Day Adventist

, 80 year old Caucasian / White male, 5' 7 /170cm with Slim build.
Living in Gotaland, NON-US, Sweden
with children None, seeking Serious relationship/marriage.
Vegetarian diet, Never drinks alcohol   and never smokes.

Just a simple man trusting in God

Adventist Vegetarian for Kay-Ann, a  Almost vegetarian Kay-Ann

7th Day Adventist

, 36 year old African Descent / Black female, 5' 8 /173cm with Average build.
Living in Kingston, NON-US, Jamaica
with children None, seeking Serious relationship/marriage OR activity partner.
Almost veg diet, Never drinks alcohol   and never smokes.

Well, I am passionate about living for Jesus and I am seeking that special someone to spend the rest of my life with living for the Lord. I am also a humble person who enjoys nature and I have no problem living with animals or pets. 

Adventist Vegetarian for MECV, a  Vegetarian MECV

7th Day Adventist

, 49 year old Hispanic / Latino male, 6' 0 /183cm with Slim build.
Living in Ormond Beach, Florida, United States
with children None, seeking Casual dates OR serious relationship/marriage OR activity partner.
Vegetarian diet, Never drinks alcohol   and never smokes.

Hi I'm Milton.... I enjoy traveling, I love the beach and scuba diving, snow/water skiing, parks, basketball, billiards/pool, bowling, golf, running, racket sports, weights, walking/hiking or just being outside doing anything that allows me to enjoy the beauty of nature. Well I'll try almost anything new. I am a hard worker, play hard guy. I love to laugh, tease, and have fun. I am outrageous, spontaneous, silly, strong man. I live a healthy lifestyle by exercising regularly and love to eat healthy. My health comes first. Having great health enables me to live, love, contribute, grow, and experience life's blessings as they were meant to be experienced.

My life is about helping people live their lives to the fullest. To wake up every day and give a little more and be a little better than I was the day before. I volunteer at the local County Sheriffs Office and have been a mentor for youth at risk program. I love helping people! I want a woman who is just as concerned about the welfare and care of others as I am. I have friends that live all over the world and just love spending my time with people who have the same care and concern for making the world a little better than they found it.

Adventist Vegetarian for Ana, a  Vegetarian Ana

7th Day Adventist

, 43 year old Asian female, 5' 3 /160cm with Slim build.
Living in San CArlos City, NON-US, Philippines
with children None, seeking Activity partner.
Vegetarian diet, Never drinks alcohol   and never smokes.

I am basically simple just like everybody else.I love to  read books ~History & Health/Medical.I'm convinced that to have a happy disposition,one should be healthy .I salute to all vegetarians in the world ,who could well manage their time too .But I believe that vegetarianism is not all about being food conscious.It's about living a simple life ,being gentle to kids and willingness to lend a hand to anyone that needs it.


Adventist Vegetarian for jody kay, a  Almost vegetarian jody kay

7th Day Adventist

, 34 year old African Descent / Black female, 5' 7 /170cm with Slim build.
Living in St . Mary, NON-US, Jamaica
with children None, seeking Activity partner.
Almost veg diet, Never drinks alcohol   and never smokes.

Adventist Vegetarian for Rosalie J., a  Vegetarian Rosalie J.

7th Day Adventist

, 60 year old Asian female, 5' 4 /163cm with Average build.
Living in Las Pinas manila, NON-US, Philippines
with children Not home, seeking Serious relationship/marriage.
Vegetarian diet, Never drinks alcohol   and never smokes.

Attractive,kind,generous and very down to earth love to cook i!m into farming,sometimes singer in our favorite place beach hobby swimming badmenton blowling also pet lover...

Adventist Vegetarian for Gloria, a  Almost vegetarian Gloria

7th Day Adventist

, 70 year old non-specified female, 5' 2 /157cm with Petite build.
Living in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
with children Not home, seeking Activity partner.
Almost veg diet, Never drinks alcohol   and never smokes.
I am 5'2", brown eyes and brown hair. I love a good laugh and having a good time. I'm an independant and hardworking person, but still like to sit down and relax to a nice movie. I like taking care of my family (4 children) and others. My family and friends are a big part of my life and I love them very much. I like going to movies, camping, and shopping. I also have lots grandchildren.
Adventist Vegetarian for QUEENY LYN, a Vegetarian at home QUEENY LYN

7th Day Adventist

, 47 year old Asian female, 5' 2 /157cm with Slim build.
Living in KABANKALAN CITY, NON-US, Philippines
with children None, seeking Casual dates OR serious relationship/marriage OR activity partner.
Veg at home diet, Never drinks alcohol   and never smokes.
I am simple, sweet, religious, I am music lover especially religious. I love cooking, reading, watching horror and comedy movies, i like hiking and playing badmenton.
Adventist Vegetarian for Kenosha, a  Almost vegetarian Kenosha

7th Day Adventist

, 35 year old African Descent / Black female, 5' 3 /160cm with Slim build.
Living in Bridgeport, Connecticut, United States
with children None, seeking Serious relationship/marriage.
Almost veg diet, Never drinks alcohol   and never smokes.
My name is Kenosha I'm 5'3 i have black short hair & have brown eyes i have great personaitly. I'm nice & get long with people really will and i have my hard on stirit i'm good listener i like to walk on the beach, look at the stars i like go bowling & play backetball & wtite song love the lord Jesus Christ love country music
Adventist Vegetarian for joett, a  Almost vegetarian joett

7th Day Adventist

, 47 year old African Descent / Black male, 5' 11 /180cm with Average build.
Living in paramaribo Suriname, NON-US, other
with children None, seeking Activity partner.
Almost veg diet, Never drinks alcohol   and never smokes.
i'm artistic, but i'll tell you later, i'll tell u later, i'll tell you later
Adventist Vegetarian for Lou, a  Vegan Lou

7th Day Adventist

, 74 year old African Descent / Black female, 5' 3 /160cm with Average build.
Living in west, Michigan, United States
with children None, seeking Casual dates OR serious relationship/marriage OR activity partner.
Vegan diet, Never drinks alcohol   and never smokes.
I am a God-fearing Christian woman who is looking forward to the second coming of Jesus. I always try to be open to His leading, guiding and directing. I travel with young people, so I'm both young looking and young thinking. I'm quiet but when I have something to say, it's worth hearing.
Adventist Vegetarian for Michael, a  Vegetarian Michael

7th Day Adventist

, 61 year old non-specified male, 6' 2 /188cm with Average build.
Living in Dayton, Ohio, United States
with children None, seeking Casual dates OR serious relationship/marriage OR activity partner.
Vegetarian diet, drinks alcohol Infrequently   and never smokes.
I am a man that doesn't mind wearing jeans or wearing a tux. I don't mind going dancing or out to dinner, I like to get up and do things - exercising, biking, for a drive, whatever. My look is tall handsome and African American. I strive to have reverence for all life within reason...nature, animals, etc. Art and beautiful things appeal to me, and if they aren't there, I look for them or create them. Movies, music, photography, poetry, reading, writing...these are dimensions of who I am.
Adventist Vegetarian for smiley, a  Vegetarian smiley

7th Day Adventist

, 50 year old Hispanic / Latino female, 5' 4 /163cm with Athletic/Fit build.
Living in Queens, New York, United States
with children Not home, seeking Casual dates OR serious relationship/marriage OR activity partner.
Vegetarian diet, Never drinks alcohol   and never smokes.

I am a Hispanic woman who speaks English, Spanish and a little Italian. Loyal, trust worthy and a true friend are some of the words others use to describe me. God is an important part of my life. Participating in outdoor activities makes me happy. Jogging, walking and hiking are a few things I currently do. I am friendly, a loyal friend and a very good cook at the same time.  Lets go to visit one of many vegetarian restaurants New York has to offer.

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